Keno Counter
Role of the Keno Counter
For placing your keno wagers, you have to go to a keno counter. After the game, you have to again return back to the keno counter for collecting your winnings.
Keno Writer at Keno Counter
Keno writer is an employee who works behind the keno counter. Keno writers perform the duty of placing bets of all players, organizing the supply of keno tickets to the players, checking the keno tickets won by players and ultimately handling payouts. Keno writers at the keno counter conduct the game in a gambling establishment. In a well organized manner, they receive, verify and record cash wagers of various customers. The keno writers at the keno counter announce the number of selected balls. At the keno counter, they scan the winning tickets submitted by various customers, make a calculation of winning amounts and make payment to customers. They have sound knowledge of the rules of the game and make perfect payoffs of game.
The Process at the Keno Counter
Just like bingo, Keno also requires a large staff to run the affairs of the game. Before the numbers are drawn, all the players should hand over the tickets and wagers to the keno writer at the keno counter in the keno lounge. Alternatively, they can also give their tickets and wagers to the keno runner who is present near the casino counter. The keno writers at the keno counter get the master ticket or player’s original and then mark numbers on the duplicate. They give one ticket back to the player and keep with them the master. The employees at the keno counter have the responsibility of writing the players’ duplicate keno tickets. While doing so, they should take in deciphering many wagers or potential bets.
Tasks at the Keno Counter
As hundreds of players play every day with multiple games, the task of managing the Keno counter is often a tedious process. The front portion of the duplicate ticket contains chosen numbers, number of the game and date. By adopting this tactic, the management of the keno counter can prevent cheating of players who deceive by marking tickets after the game. Large casinos employ keno runners at the keno counters to manage a lot of traffic. Players approach the keno writer at the keno counter with the master ticket and return back with a duplicate ticket. In some casinos, they also do the job of bankers for the game at the Keno counter. They take money for waters and pay winners after game is over. Both the responsibilities at the Keno counter require a lot of attention to customer service skills, details and mathematical skills to quickly add the numbers. The personnel manning the Keno counter need good skills. Usually boorish customers who suffer heavy gambling losses try to put the blame on the keno runners at the keno counter. To manage such people efficiently, personnel posted in the positions of writer and runner at the keno counter are given intensive specialized training.